Tips for Teens: Strategies to Help you Build Better Self-Regulation Skills

Tips for Teens: Strategies to Help you Build Better Self-Regulation Skills

When your emotions overwhelm you and you have trouble self-regulating, it may disrupt your learning, relationships and get in the way of the goals you set for yourself. But you can build your self-regulation skills and put strategies in place that will help you cope with intense emotions without feeling compelled to react in extreme or inappropriate ways.

Help your adolescent or teen establish a summer routine

Help your adolescent or teen establish a summer routine

Adolescents and teens need routines for the sake of their mental and physical health. During the summer, these can be difficult to maintain. Hours of unstructured time, can leave young people feeling lethargic, untethered, anxious and depressed. Consider working with your teen to build a summer schedule that allows for downtime but also provides a routine that helps them feel healthy, active and secure.

The Power of Sibling Relationships

The Power of Sibling Relationships

Sibling relationships are powerful and complex. They can have an enduring impact on a young person’s mental and behavioral health. So, it is often helpful to consider how a sibling can be part of treatment and healing when working with adolescents and teens in the therapeutic setting.