Teen Tips: 10 Strategies for Managing Your Big Busy Life
As young people move into middle and high school, their lives become increasingly complicated. More schoolwork and homework, sports, activities and social lives make many adolescents and teens struggle with managing their busy schedules and feeling overwhelmed....
The Adolescent Brain: Why they do the things they do
When I work with adolescents and their families, a question I frequently hear from parents is: “What were they thinking?” It generally comes as a response to something their child did or said, poor judgment they have shown, a risk they took or a seemingly...
Tips for Teens: Strategies to Help you Build Better Self-Regulation Skills
When your emotions overwhelm you and you have trouble self-regulating, it may disrupt your learning, relationships and get in the way of the goals you set for yourself. But you can build your self-regulation skills and put strategies in place that will help you cope with intense emotions without feeling compelled to react in extreme or inappropriate ways.

What Is Acceptance and Commitment Thearapy?
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a therapeutic intervention I frequently use with clients who are stuck in a cycle of destructive or painful thoughts and behaviors. I help clients focus on what really matters to them ¬– rather than being distracted by their negative thoughts – and then we work toward reaching goals so they can live their best life.

Teen Brain Quiz: How Flexible Is Your Brain?
This online quiz is designed to measure your brain’s psychological flexibility. Does your brain limit you from living your most meaningful life? Could therapy help? Although this quiz is designed specifically for teens and young adults it can be fun and useful for all ages.