Help your Adolescent Combat COVID Fatigue
As we enter our third year of pandemic life, with the omicron variant spreading across the country, one thing everyone can agree on is that we are TIRED of COVID. Although there was a brief reprieve this summer, when it appeared that we could soon stop wearing masks...
Tips for Teens: Coping with an Eating Disorder During the Holidays
When you are coping with, or in recovery from an eating disorder, the holidays can be a scary time full of obstacles and challenges. Every gathering and celebration is potentially triggering, whether it’s the emphasis on food and large meals, disruption to normal...
Tips for Teens: Building Healthy Communication Skills
Do you have a hard time telling those who are closest to you what you want or asking somebody to stop behavior you don’t like? Do you often feel like people misunderstand you? Do your conversations tend to turn into arguments that alienate your friends? Are you...
Is Your Adolescent or Teen Struggling with OCD?
As many as 1 in 200 adolescents and teens struggle with obsessive compulsive disorder. Some experts believe, the disorder has become even more prevalent since the start of COVID. If you are worried that your child may have OCD, there are symptoms to look out for and actions you can take.

Don’t lose hope: With the Right Support, Your Adolescent Can Overcome Addiction
There is no magic formula for overcoming an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Yet, sustained sobriety is achievable for anyone who is committed to making change – with the appropriate support. During this National Recovery month, we celebrate those who are in recovery from a substance use disorder and the community of family, friends and professionals who support them.