Don’t lose hope: With the Right Support, Your Adolescent Can Overcome Addiction
There is no magic formula for overcoming an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Yet, sustained sobriety is achievable for anyone who is committed to making change – with the appropriate support. During this National Recovery month, we celebrate those who are in recovery from a substance use disorder and the community of family, friends and professionals who support them.
Responsibility & Connection: How Pets Can Support Mental Health
The connection young people form with their pets can be enormously beneficial for their mental health. Pets provide a sense of calm, comfort and unconditional love. Just as impactful, is giving a young person the responsibility of caring for and protecting an animal.
ACT: The Principle of Acceptance
Are you stuck in a cycle of negative emotions or behaviors? If so, I encourage you to investigate Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a treatment option. ACT is a highly effective approach that I have used with clients for years. In this week’s blog, I focus on ACT’s core principle of Acceptance and explain how Acceptance can help clients handle the negatives and move forward.
Kids and COVID-19: Helping Children and Teens Cope
There is no way of knowing what the long-term impacts of COVID-19 are going to be on children, but helping them to cope now to address their fears, loneliness and uncertainty is critical to growing their resilience and protecting their mental health.