Tips for Teens: Coping with an Eating Disorder During the Holidays
When you are coping with, or in recovery from an eating disorder, the holidays can be a scary time full of obstacles and challenges. Every gathering and celebration is potentially triggering, whether it’s the emphasis on food and large meals, disruption to normal...Navigating the Holidays’ Emotional Challenges
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving, sharing the day with loved ones and celebrating the many blessings of life. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of a time of year that can be joyous as we attend gatherings, spend time with family and friends, celebrate our...Make your Teen’s Mental Health a Priority this Holiday Season
During the best of times, the holidays can be tough for those struggling with mental health or substance use issues – especially adolescents and teens. This year, with everything they have gone through during the pandemic, make sure that you are making your child’s mental health a priority and get help if you need it.